Every RocketTheme theme is accompanied by custom content styles known as Typography. This guide outlines how to use Typography in your content.
All the typography in the template have shortcodes syntax which is outlined at the Shortcodes Examples page. In this guide, we will use the Attention Span Style, which uses the [div class=”attention” class2=”typo-icon”]…[/div] syntax.
As shortcodes are not affected by the stripping functions of the WYSIWYG editor, you can insert the shortcodes snippets without any issue. If you are in HTML mode, the snippets will still function.
Every shortcode typographical element can be used in its HTML form as outlined at the HTML Examples page. HTML typography allows for more custom control in the article but requires an additional step. In this guide, we will use the Attention Span Style, which uses the <div class=”attention”><div class=”typo-icon”>…</div></div> syntax.
Note, with the Content Editor (WYSIWYG) enabled, you need to enter HTML mode otherwise the typography will not work.